Workplace health and safety


KBT is committed to the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors, and visitors to our workplaces. We believe that all injuries are preventable, and we are committed to achieving and maintaining a healthy, safe and injury free workplace.

As a business we have and will continue to implement and maintain an ongoing safety program complying with related legislative requirements aimed to establish and maintain a safe work environment.

All employees are required to cooperate with this Policy to ensure their own and others’ health, safety and welfare at the workplace. Our goal is to prevent all occupational injuries and illness. The company will seek to achieve this by:

  • Ensuring that all company personnel (including contractors and visitors) comply with appropriate standards and workplace policies and procedures to protect the health, safety and welfare of self and others at the workplace.
  • Providing required information, instruction, training and supervision to gain individual understanding of workplace hazards, including safe work practices and emergency procedures.
  • Establishing and implementing effective systems to identify, assess, improve and control workplace hazards that have the potential to produce personal injury or occupational illness
  • Establishing effective systems of reporting, investigation and remedial action.
  • Establishing and maintaining a consultative and communication process of OHS related issues. This consultative and communication process will be conducted by way of regular toolbox meetings as well as regular Manager Meetings with minutes documented appropriately
  • Providing required systems and resources to effectively manage rehabilitation and return to work processes
  • Monitoring and reviewing OHS related issues on an ongoing basis.

By operating under robust business management systems, we are a lower risk partner for your supply chain needs. Every part of our operation is governed by procedure and process stemming from our management systems thereby ensuring efficient reliable general transport and specialised transport services.